Bruno Lacroix-Nutritionist
Physiologist in Fonctional Medicine
Biochemistry Nutritional Science

Optimizing Mental and Physical Health through the Fusion of Knowledge and Skills from
Nutrition, Immunity , Endocrinology, Neurology Neuroendocrinology Psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology
and Spirituality

Educational Background Diploma in Nutrition & Micro Nutrition at the University Of Dijon (2002). Diploma of nutritionist “CZI” in Switzerland (2000); Throughout his education, Bruno Lacroix has received training in diverse disciplines including Health Science, Exercise Physiology (with a specialization in Exercise and Nutritional Biochemistry) at the University of California in Los Angeles (1997) and Diploma in Functional Medicine in London (2011)

From 2000 to 2017 Bruno Lacroix gives more than 400 conférences about functional Medicine and Anti-aging Medicine for board (World Anti-Aging Medicine, IAS, EMAA, INCAS, Quantique Medicine, Christian Dior).  and for Lab. Energetica Natura (Biotic Research ), Lab Therascience (scientific director), Lab Oligosanté-IFREMAS (Institut Français de Recherche et d’Étude sur la Micro-Nutrition et les Aliments- Santé).  for physicians and naturopaths . He give seminars about different health-related problems (Low grade inflammation and disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, chronic fatigue syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, fibromylagia, Hormonal dysfunction (HPA dysregulation & hypothythyrodism), lyme disease, environmental medicine, Microbiome & diseases, leaky gut, SIBO & cancers, etc…),

From 1998 to nowadays, Bruno Lacroix has written more than 300 articles on nutrition,  physical exercise, aging, health for many magazines and association newspapers. Monthly columns were reserved for his articles in all the popular magazines of fitness – “Body fitness”, “Monde du muscle”, “ASPS”,  « Grazia, » « Elle »  and many smaller publications on health and disease (“Nutripages”, “Nutranews”). Formerly (from 1990 to 1998) he coached in nutrition many athletes in different disciplines as well as actors, fashion model and businessmen. As a result of this broad educational base, his knowledge extends beyond physical preparation and nutrition only.


Hormetic Training

Each one his training method: nothing exceptional, but it suits me well from a physiological point of view with the age 🙂 – intense, short and very good at the cardiovascular level.

Infrared and health

CONFÉRENCE : EST-CE QUE LA LUMIÈRE INFRAROUGE EST L’ANTIDOTE À NOTRE ENVIRONNEMENT DE PLUS EN PLUS DÉLETÈRE ? The potential of nature is connected to our physiology, it only waits to be activated by our choices, we are too focused on food and less on circadian rhythms, light, water, electrons and magnetism . The connection …


*** I do not diagnose or heal disease.
I do not treat medical conditions. I treat lifestyle conditions.
Diseases tend to be symptoms. Life style conditions tend to be root causes.
When the body has everything it needs it can heal itself.  ***