Epigenetic Modulation


There has been a rapid decline in human health worldwide…

One of the biggest secrets in my physicians conferences about the pathophysiology of chronic modern disease is not only the traitement fix for patients, but also (and primarily!) address the environment in which our patients illness exists.

 The primary driver of chronic disease is the interaction among genes, activities of daily living (lifestyle), and the environment

 It is more important to know what person has the disease than which disease the person has. —William Osler

This allows us to practice epigenetic modulation

Epigenetic Modulation

Epi- is a prefix taken from the Greek that means “upon, at, by, near, over, on top of, toward, against, among.” Epi-genetics are the factors that bathe the genes and prompt them to express negatively or positively. This contributes to all known dysfunctions.

Epigenetics are how we influence the genetic and cellular expressions that manifest as signs, symptoms and disease states by modifying factors like diet, lifestyle,and biological function (or how the body performs its many jobs). These habit changes that each and every patient can make—especially with your help and know-how—result in clinical remedies.

Epigenetic Modulation: Having the skills to guide your patient in such a way that all controllable health factors are addressed. When you help them take charge of their internal and external environments, you catapult their health,

 One is the fondation of any healing protocol. It’s based on the principle of root cause resolution that states you must first remove obstacles to cure.

All conditions exist in an environment. When you shift the environment, the symptoms shift, the roots get dismantled and the diagnosis may even disappear.

 For exemple, one of my second strategy to be healthy is nutrition :

 Research is now showing that simply paying better attention to what you eat is a key factor in whether you’ll lose fat, get lean, and improve your health, but never forget is not enough…..lifestyle, exercice and environnement is also important

 Creating a solid nutritional infrastructure -, that allows for healing to occur is very crucial. Deficiencies can be in key nutrients (macro, micro and even phyto), but also in biological factorssuch as secretions, hormones, neurotransmitters, types of white blood cells, and even barrier functions. Deficiencies may also be in microbial diversity or imbalanced terrain.

There are some Personalized Non-Negotiables factors for anyone who just isn’t feeling well. ((more nflammatory foods, high histamine foods, hard to digest proteins—all based on the singular needs of the individual, not on any one set protocol). They may also include habits and routinessuch as a set bedtime, meditation, ample hydration, community connection, and more.

I simply don’t fall into a single « diet camp » : Paleo, low carb, Ketosis, Intemittent fasting….. And that confuses the hell out of people, since the human brain likes easy categorization.

I don’t believe there’s a single, absolutely, positively, without-a-doubt best diet for every person to follow, always, and forever.

Dysfunctional patterns in the body can be set in motion from any number of events and usually from more than one—meaning they’re multifactorial (ie. not due to just one factor, but instead many factors).

This approach is essentially patient centered, rather than disease centered. A structure is presented for uniting a patient-centered approach to diagnosis and treatment with the fruits of modern clinical science (which evolved primarily to serve the prevailing model of disease-centered care).

The core scientific concepts of disease pathogenesis are antecedents, triggers, and mediators.



Antecedents are factors, genetic or acquired, that predispose to illness; triggers are factors that provoke the symptoms and signs of illness; and mediators are factors, biochemical or psychosocial, that contribute to patho- logical changes and dysfunctional responses.

Under-standing the antecedents, triggers, and mediators that underlie illness or dysfunction in each patient permits therapy to be targeted to the needs of the individual. T

he conventional diagnosis assigned to the patient may be of value in identifying plausible antecedents, triggers or mediators for each patient, but is not adequate by itself for the designing of patient-centered care.

Applying the model of person-centered diagnosis to patients facilitates the recognition of disturbances that are common in people with chronic illness.

Diet, nutrition, and exposure to environmental toxins play central roles because they may predispose to illness, provoke symptoms, and modulate the activity of biochemical mediators through a complex and diverse set of mechanisms.




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